The core curriculum requirements generate essentially a liberal arts associate degree, but by careful selection of elective courses, a cadet can build a course sequence, which parallels those in other institutions that lead to the bachelor’s degree. Cadets’ academic advisors will counsel their advisees on other institutions’ requirements for undergraduate degrees and suggest NMMI courses which parallel those sequences. Except at four-year institutions that do not sponsor ROTC programs, virtually all NMMI credit producing courses may count towards the 128-140 semester graduation total which most colleges require for the bachelor’s degree. However, as is increasingly becoming common, many bachelor’s degrees require 10 semesters to complete. All graduates are required to complete the CAAP assessment in the last semester.
Normal Class Loads
The normal academic load for college cadets is 17 semester credit hours. The minimum load is 12 semester credit hours.
A degree (AA/AS) comes from the General Education Module (AA or AS), plus 15 or more hours from the specific concentration, plus required electives to create 68 hours. A 2.00 GPA is the minimum allowed cumulative GPA. Cadets may not take more than 2.0 hours in PHEA courses or 2.0 hours in music activity courses that count toward the 68.0 hours graduation requirement.