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    Feb 11, 2025  
2009-2010 Academic Catalog 
2009-2010 Academic Catalog [Archived Catalog]

NMMI Leadership Program

The NMMI Leadership model integrates a comprehensive learning approach to include education, training and experience. Education entails knowledge, training entails skills and experience entails application. At NMMI experience is achieved in our three centers of excellence.

Click on any of the following links for information:


NMMI Leadership Model/Process (below is a PDF link to the NMMI Leadership Model - Venn Diagram)

Leadership Process 


Center for Academic Excellence

As this catalog goes to press, the Center for Academic Excellence is under development in the Toles Learning Center. Some but not all programs will be available in Fall 2008. The purpose of the Center is to offer programs, activities, and strategies to support and enable cadets to experience academic success, maximize learning potentials, produce high quality work, succeed in a multi-cultural world, and be prepared for a full range of options and opportunities for their future. Help and resources will be available in developing time management skills, reading and writing enhancement, math strategies, general study skills, ACT/SAT preparation, and preparation for furthering their education. Formal course, group seminars, individualized help, and intern programs will be offered to help cadets reach their academic and life goals. In time, many of these programs and facilities will be offered to a larger audience through out-reach to the Roswell community and beyond. Technology will be used to offer distance education programs which will enhance what NMMI can offer not only our cadets, but also our faculty, staff, and community.

Daniels Leadership Center


The Daniels Leadership Center supports the leadership education curriculum under the Dean of Academics with the Division of Leadership and Behavioral Sciences through an ever expanding variety of programs to include a state of the art ropes course and Leadership Reaction Course. All of the DLC programs are designed to instruct, apply, test, and further emphasize the four phases of leadership development promoted by the Institute: followership, transactional leadership, transformational leadership, and servant leadership.

In addition, the Daniels Leadership Center sponsors an annual Distinguished Speakers Series that is open to the public, free of charge, and that provides cadets and other audience members with a wider perspective of “leadership with uncompromising character”. Annual and regional conferences, civic meetings, and summer camps that are co-sponsored by the Institute, Center and other groups have included: Chaves County Character Counts!(SM), Academy Women, Military Junior Colleges, New Mexico State Patrol, the International Law Enforcement Center-Roswell, Chaves County Emergency Response, and local rotaries and businesses.

Lastly, the Daniels Leadership Center has administrative oversight of the Yates Leadership Challenge Complex adjacent physically to the Center. The Complex is divided into two experiential courses that emphasize character and leadership development, as well as critical and creative thinking, followership, transactional and transformational leadership, and servant leadership. More information specific to the facilities and events of the Center and Complex are listed in this Catalog under the heading, Facilities.

Godfrey Athletic Center


Physical Performance and Development

The Godfrey Athletic Center supports this mission in the following ways:

  • A student activity center
  • The Outdoor Fitness Factory
  • The Varsity Strength & Speed Training Center
  • Performance Enhancement Laboratory
  • Athletic Training Education Center
  • An athletic practice and competitive venue
  • Leadership assessment

Physical Development

The Outdoor Fitness Factory (OFF) is a world class facility that accommodates the large volume demands of the Corps Physical Development program, while providing unparalleled exercise variety. It features a wide range of training venues that facilitate optimal physical development. The Outdoor Fitness Factory accommodates the multiple training needs and philosophies of all campus groups such as Corps PT, Academy Prep PT, SROTC PT, and the Bronco/Colt Athletic Teams. The OFF is truly innovative featuring 2 sand pits, a Speed Hill @ 3% grade, 56 Multistations, a Medicine Ball Wall and Vertical Power Station, 4 Inverted Bear Crawl Standards, 1 Platoon Trainer - Mobile Exercise Station, along with numerous other pieces of equipment including barbells, medicine balls, kettlebells, sand bags, water filled kegs, tractor tires, weighted barrels, power sleds, elastic bands, weighted belts, and plyo-boxes.

Performance Enhancement Laboratory

The Performance Enhancement Laboratory (PEL) is patterned after the Army’s Center for Excellence in Performance (ACEP) at the United States Military Academy at West Point (USMA). NMMI’s PEL expands on that concept by offering unique and exciting training and learning opportunities for cadets. Using performance psychology training techniques, cadets learn how to use the tools of goal-setting, imagery, self-talk and visualization to enhance the skills of motivation, concentration/focus, self-confidence, stress management and arousal control to help perform optimally. Under the supervision of two professionals with Ph.D.’s in the Performance Psychology field, the PEL combines the best practices of traditional training along with the latest cutting edge science to accelerate the individual’s progress and ability to perform at one’s peak. The PEL is also involved in assessing the leadership development that occurs through the NMMI experience.

Athletic Training Education Center

The Athletic Training Education Center (ATEC) provides top level physical rehabilitation and treatment facilities for cadets suffering from sports related injuries. The ATEC sets the standard for facilities and treatment at this level. The ATEC serves primarily athletes, but is also available as a resource to cadets. Additionally, ATEC functions the primary education center for cadets wishing to pursue a career in the athletic training and sports medicine fields. The recently completed center offers the highest quality cutting edge therapeutic modalities under the direction of two full-time athletic training professionals.


The Athletic Department fields competitive athletic teams at both the intercollegiate and interscholastic levels. NMMI fields 10 intercollegiate teams that compete at the National Junior College (NJCAA) Division I level in the following sports:


College Sports
Men Women
Baseball Cross-country
Basketball Track
Football Volleyball
Golf Golf
Tennis Tennis

NMMI fields 13 interscholastic teams that compete in the New Mexico Activity Association (NMAA) and the “AAA” and “AA” level in the following sports.


High School Sports
Boys Girls
Basketball Basketball
Cross-Country Cross-Country
Swimming Swimming
Track Track
Baseball Volleyball