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    Feb 11, 2025  
2009-2010 Academic Catalog 
2009-2010 Academic Catalog [Archived Catalog]

AA/AS Junior College Degree

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Admission to the Junior College

New cadets are admitted only at the beginning of the Fall and Spring semesters at New Mexico Military Institute.

NOTE: NMMI reserves the right to admit those candidates it determines to be best qualified for entrance.

In some cases, a candidate with an acceptable score (NM is 45) on the General Education Development (GED) examination may be accepted.

Those cadets seeking a commission should also refer to the section for admissions requirements into the Contract Senior ROTC Program leading to the US Army Reserve Commission.

Foreign cadets whose primary language is not English must have a score of 500 (paper based test) or 173 (computer) or better in the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL), and may substitute these tests for the ACT.

New Mexico General Education Transfers (HED)

During the 2005 New Mexico Legislative session, Senate Bill 161, consistent with the requirements of state law, was signed into law to further enhance and facilitate the articulation of general education courses among New Mexico’s colleges and universities. Designated general education core course, successfully completed at any regionally accredited public institution of higher education in New Mexico are guaranteed to transfer to any New Mexico public institution.

The core matrix of approved courses guaranteed to transfer and meet general education requirements can be found on the New Mexico Higher Education Department website and follow the colleges and universities link to the drop down menu for transferring credits and core matrix.

This is the current listing of NMMI courses to the New Mexico Common Course Numbering (NMCCN System). This system facilitates the articulation of coursework through a set of uniform course designations.

The NMCCN is a four alpha prefix that identifies the subject area and then four digits each having a specific meaning. The first digit represents the course level (1 - freshman, 2 - sophomore etc.), the next two represent the sequence of the course, while the last represents the credit hours assigned to the course.

For example: ENGL 1113 is the general freshmen composition course required at all schools. A course of ENGL 1093 would be a lower level college level course, while ENGL 0113 would be a developmental English course.

Over the next few years NMMI will convert all course numbers to the NMCCN course number or place a course in its proper sequence in that schema. The General Education Common Core is 35 semester hours.

Junior College Curriculum

The core curriculum requirements generate essentially a liberal arts associate degree, but by careful selection of elective courses, a cadet can build a course sequence, which parallels those in other institutions that lead to the bachelor’s degree. Cadets’ academic advisors will counsel their advisees on other institutions’ requirements for undergraduate degrees and suggest NMMI courses which parallel those sequences. Except at four-year institutions that do not sponsor ROTC programs, virtually all NMMI credit producing courses may count towards the 128-140 semester graduation total which most colleges require for the bachelor’s degree. However, as is increasingly becoming common, many bachelor’s degrees require 10 semesters to complete. All graduates are required to complete the CAAP assessment in their last semester. A student may not take more than 4.0 credits in PHEA or 8.0 credits in MUS activity courses that will count towards graduation.

Normal Class Loads

The normal academic load for college cadets is 17 semester credit hours. The minimum load is 12 semester credit hours.



Cadets with a 3.0 GPA or above from the previous grading period may take more than 19 credit hours The advisor may authorize a course load of up to 19 hours, and the Advisor’s Associate Dean may authorize a course load of 20-21 hours. Only the Academic Dean may authorize a course load of 23 or more hours. Overloads are not recommended for a cadet with a GPA of less than 3.0 from the previous semester grading period. Upon the cadet’s request and with the recommendation of the academic advisor, an overload may be authorized if the cadet’s schedule (academic, athletic, extra-curricular) suggests that there is reasonable probability that the cadet can successfully handle the overload.

College Distance Learning Courses

Correspondence/on-line/distance courses must meet the following criteria:

  • Cadet must take the course at NMMI if offered
  • If the cadet cannot schedule the required class in the last semester of the graduation year, the cadet can request a correspondence or on line course
  • A cadet may take a correspondence/on-line course if the course is not offered in the curriculum, and must receive the Dean’s permission prior to enrolling in the course
  • On-line courses must have a mandatory valid login.

Course Numbering

NMMI is converting all junior college courses to a 4-letter and 4-number sequence to make college courses significantly different from the 3-letter and 3-number sequence of high school courses.  For example college English would be ENGL 1113 and high school senior English would be ENG 041 or 042.


Graduation Requirements Junior College

NMMI’s curriculum is university parallel and most cadets continue for their baccalaureate degrees by completing requirements for the Associate of Arts or Associate of Science degree.  In both cases 68.0 credits from the specific General Education Module plus concentration requirements plus electives and a 2.00 (minimum) GPA is required to graduate from NMMI. Only 4.0 credits in PHEA and 8.0 credits MUS activities will count toward graduation credit.


The Associate in Arts Degree is designed to provide a solid foundation in the liberal arts for cadets interested in pursuing a four-year or advanced degree in Humanities, Business, Social Science, or related fields.

The requirements for the Associate in Arts Degree are:

Residency. A college cadet must earn a minimum of 24 credit hours at NMMI and spend two semesters in residence.

Semester Hours. Minimum of 68 hours is required, no more than 12 (contract cadets only) in Military Science. Credit may be transferred from other accredited schools if the courses and grades are acceptable. Courses transferred from other schools do not affect the grade point average at NMMI.

Required Subjects: The core curriculum of required courses (46 hours Gen Ed requirements) are listed below.

Grade Point Average. The minimum cumulative GPA for the associate in arts degree is 2.0.


The Associate in Science Degree is designed to provide a solid foundation in mathematics and the sciences for cadets interested in pursuing a four-year or advanced degree in Mathematics, Sciences, Engineering, Premedical/dental/veterinarian, or related fields.

The requirements for the Associate in Science Degree are:

Residency. A college cadet must earn a minimum of 24 credit hours at NMMI and spend two semesters in residence.

Semester Hours. Minimum of 68 hours is required, no more than 12 (contract cadets only) in Military Science. Credit may be transferred from other accredited schools if the courses and grades are acceptable. Courses transferred from other schools do not affect the grade point average at NMMI.

Required Subjects: The core curriculum of required courses (40 hours Gen Ed requirements) are listed below.

Grade Point Average. The minimum cumulative GPA for the associate in science degree is 2.0.


Transfer Credit. Academic credit to meet graduation requirements may be acquired elsewhere and entered on the NMMI transcript. Cadets who contemplate this action should check with the concerned academic department chair to assure that the course taken elsewhere does indeed meet Institute academic criteria. For college cadets a maximum of two college courses from an accredited school may be transferred back to NMMI to meet graduation requirements after leaving the Institute in good standing. Equivalent Institute courses must be identified and a grade of “C” or better is required. Transferred courses do not affect the NMMI grade point average.

New Mexico Military Institute accepts credits transferred from other accredited colleges and universities as long as a satisfactory grade is earned for the course or courses that are similar to the NMMI college curriculum. New Mexico Military Institute reserves the right to determine whether courses earned elsewhere transfer to NMMI. Transfer grades are not used to compute cumulative grade point averages.

With the exception of some remedial courses, NMMI credits generally are transferable to any university in the nation.

New Mexico Higher Education Department routinely prepares a chart showing comparable courses, which meet basic requirements and transfer between colleges in New Mexico. This matrix is on the NM HED web site.

Transfer credit appeals. Any cadet who wishes to appeal the transfer must file a written appeal to the Registrar providing a course syllabus and description. Within 30 days, the file will be reviewed by the Registrar and Division Head and the cadet will receive the result in writing. If the cadet wishes to continue the appeal on denied courses, they must appeal to the Academic Dean in writing. This appeal must be within 30 days. If denied and the course is a NM General Education course, the student has the right to appeal to the Higher Education Department in Santa Fe.

General Education Module - Associate in Arts

This module contains the basic General Education requirements for cadets graduating with an AA degree.  A student may not take more than 4.0 credits of PHEA courses nor more than 8.0 credits in MUS activity courses (1.0 credit courses) toward their graduation requirement.  Any course over these limits is removed from graduation consideration including removal of the GPA. Unless specified otherwise, a course may only be used in the general education module or the concentration.

English (6.0 credits)

ENGL 1113 (required) and one of the following courses to meet 6.0 credit requirement.

plus three additional hours from one of the following

Communications (3.0 credits)

A communications course that is related to public speaking or interpersonal communications.

History (6.0 credits)

Two history courses are required. However, a course may not be used here and as a humanities course at the same time.  Some follow-on schools have specific history requirements that should be checked prior to enrolling in a history course. Cadet may use the history courses here for general education and the history concentration at the same time.  Not all courses are offered each semester.

Humanities or Modern Language (6.0 credits minimum)

In the AA degree a student may elect to take a year of a foreign language (8 credits) or a specific humanities course or a combination of the two to meet this requirement. A student must take 6.0 - 8.0 credits in humanities.  A course used in another core area cannot be used here to meet the requirement.

This requirement may be met by a language course:

Health (3.0 credits)

Health and Wellness (HPER 1113) is the required course.  PHEA courses are limited to 4.0 credits for graduation and do not meet the health requirement.

Military Science (2.0 to 12.0 credits)

Cadets must take military science at NMMI.  Based on the minimum residency requirement, 2.0 credits (MS 1) is the minimum requirement.  A contract cadet will take a maximum of 12.0 class hours of MS and 4.0 credits of physical activity.

A cadet with three years of JROTC or who started in the contract program but did not contract may be waived from the MS requirement.  Any cadet in MS 1/2 can take HIS 110 in place of one semester of MS (not contract cadets).  Contract cadets (MS 3/4) must take HIS 110 before they get their bachelor’s degree as part of the contract requirement.

General Education Module - Associate in Science

This module is the basic General Education module for cadets graduating with an AS degree. A student may not take more than 4.0 credits of PHEA courses nor more than 8.0 credits in music activity courses (1.0 credit courses) toward their graduation requirement.  Any course over these limits is removed from graduation consideration including removal of the GPA.

There is a specific lab science sequential requiremement for the AS degree.


English (6.0 credits)

ENGL 1113 is required with one of the following courses to meet the 6.0 credit requirement.

plus three additional hours from one of the following (technical writing preferred):

Humanities or Modern Language (6.0 credits minimum)

For the AS degree a student must take a year of a foreign language (8 credits) or a specific humanities course or  combination of the two to meet this requirement.  A student must take 6.0 to 8.0 credits in humanities.  A course used in another core area cannot be used to meet the humanities requirement.


Laboratory Science (12.0 credits)

Three lab science courses are required, two of which must be sequential


Health (3.0 credits)

HPER 1113 is the required course.  PHEA courses are limited to 4.0 credits for graduation and do not meet the health requirement.

Military Science (2.0 to 12.0 credits)

Cadets must take military science at NMMI.  Based on the minimum residency requirement, 2.0 credits (MS 1) is the minimum requirement.  A contract cadet will take a maximum of 12.0 class hours of MS and 4.0 credits of physical activity.

A cadet with three years of JROTC or who started in the contract program but did not contract may be waived from the MS requirement.  Any cadet in MS 1/2 can take HIS 110 in place of one semester of MS (not contract cadets).  Contract cadets (MS 3/4) must take HIS 110 before they get their bachelor’s degree as part of the contract requirement.

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