Feb 16, 2025
2014-2015 Academic Catalog [Archived Catalog]
Change Page
The following are changes as of the date indicated (changes approved through Curriculum and Standards, Faculty Senate and approved by NMMI Board of Regents)
- Significant change for Fall 2014 effective 1 July 2014. Junior College graduation requirement was reduced to 60 hours from 68 hours. Effective Spring 2015, there will be a leadership course (3.0 hrs). Cadets will take this course one term or MSL each term to meet Leadership graduation requirement. Fall 2014 returning cadets are exempt from this requirement.
- Added SPN 033 Spanish for Heritage Speakers A [H] to courses.
- Added SPN 034 Spanish for Heritage Speakers A [H] to courses.
- CHN011/012 added lab fee.
- IPS 022 Added Pre-requisite IPS 021
- Political Science Concentration
- Added minimum score 70 regarding Math Placement Exam under Transfer of High School Credits
- Added course description to ACA 050 Academic Assistance course
- Changed ACCT 2123 to 4.0 Hrs
- Added LEAD 1103 - Introduction to Leadership (meets Leadership graduation requirement)
- Added ENGL 1323 - Photo Journalism and Narrative with Book Publishing
- Inactivated ARBC 1120L; ARBC 1124 now contains the lab
- Inactivated CHIN 1120L; CHIN 1124 now contains the lab
- Canceled ARBC 2121L
- Changed ARBC 2123 to ARBC 2124; ARBC 2124 now contains the lab (previously was separate ARBC 2121L course)
- Canceled CHIN 2121L
- Changed CHIN 2123 to CHIN 2124; CHIN 2124 now contains the lab (previously was separate CHIN 2121L course)