The following are changes as of the date indicated. Changes are approved through the Curriculum and Standards committee, Faculty Senate, Dean and Superintendent. When necessary, some changes are approved by NMMI Board of Regents.
New high school courses introduced in 2021-22:
New college courses introduced in 2021-22:
SPMD 1310 |
Introduction to Kinesiology |
MUSC 1503 |
Fundamentals of Bagpipes |
ENGL 1031 |
Wriitng Workshop Lab |
Other Changes in 2021-22:
BIOL 2264 - Title change - Ecology (Formerly Environmental Biology)
ENGL 2310 - Introduction to Creative Writing (Formerly ENGL 1213)
IPS 021 - Pre-requisite change - MTH 021 taken through NMMI or validated MTH 021 through NMMI Math Placement Exam. Or, concurrent enrollment in MTH 021.
MSL 205 - Course now graded as Pass/Fail (P/F)
MUSC 1140 - Music Appreciation: World Music (Formerly MUSC 1303)
PHYS 1230 - Pre-requisite change - College Algebra (MATH 1220) or higher math or show proficiency of math by qualifying for Pre-Calculus through the NMMI college Math Placement Exam (MPE).
PHIL 1115 - Introduction to Philosophy (Formerly PHIL 1113)
PHIL 2110 - Introduction to Ethics (Formerly PHIL 2013)
PHIL 2210 - Early Modern Philosophy (Formerly PHIL 2123)
PHIL 2220 - Greek Philosophy (Formerly PHIL 2113)
Spanish Language Proficiency - Those wanting to take SPN 011/012 now are required to take a Spanish proficiency exam, prior to enrollment.
Changes Since Publishing of Catalog:
08/27/2021: Added new Faculty to catalog
10/05/2021: Added English Language and Culture Program courses, ELC 001 and ELC 002
10/18/2021: Added PHIL 1120 (Replaces both PHIL 1813 and PHIL 2023)
10/25/2021: Added SPMD 1350 and ARTS 1310
10/26/2021: Added COMM 2170
11/01/2021: Updated BIOL 2260L name to Ecology Lab (formerly was known as Environmental Biology Lab)
11/03/2021: Updated PHYS 1230 pre-requisite to include “Concurrent enrollment in MATH 1220 is allowed.”
11/12/2021: Added POLS 1997
11/15/2021: Added ARTS 1610 and ARTS 1630
01/14/2021: Added SPMD 1997
02/02/2022: DRAM 1113 - Corrected description. Removed reference to it being a Humanities course. It is now a Fine Arts course.