High School Admission
New cadets are admitted only at the beginning of the Fall and Spring semesters.
Accepted applicants are placed in classes at New Mexico Military Institute in accordance with the number of credits earned at the time of initial enrollment. Progress through the curricular requirements is performance rather than time based. Curricular requirements will not be waived.
Transfer of High School Credits
High school cadets may transfer credits at the time of admission from accredited programs provided that a passing grade was attained in each course transferred. Credits shall be transferable with no loss of value between schools. A grade of “TR” for satisfactorily completed classes will be recorded for credits awarded by non-accredited educational entities. All high school graduates must complete high school graduation requirements prescribed by NMMI. Course descriptions may be required for transfer of courses to meet NMMI requirements for graduation.
Home-school cadets transferring to the Institute from a program accredited by a national/regional recognized accrediting agency will have credits accepted as transfer credit (letter grade) with no loss of credit/value. Lab science credits will be validated to ensure those courses were taken in a true lab format.
Cadets entering from non-accredited programs will have all coursework validated by the appropriate department for credit. Courses not validated will not be given credit. Math credits will be awarded by course syllabus or by passing (minimum score 60) the Math Placement Exam for the equivalent course.
Effective Fall 2008, students from non-accredited schools or schools where the coursework is not in an English environment must pass one semester of a higher level of English at NMMI to receive prior English credit. For example: a student entering as a high school junior must complete one semester of a higher English at NMMI to receive credit for courses transferred.
High School Residence/Course Completion Requirements
A minimum of four credits earned at NMMI and two semesters in residence are required for an entering third classmen. Completion of NMMI’s capstone courses English 4A & 4B and a minimum of one year of NMMI mathematics at the Algebra 2 level or above are required for high school graduation. Beginning with the entering freshman fall 2010, NMMI Government has been added as a capstone course and required for graduation.
High School Distance Learning/Summer School Standards
Distance learning courses (correspondence and on-line) and summer school courses must meet the following criteria:
- All courses must be approved by the Vice Dean/High School Principal and validated by the student and the advisor to fit in the cadet’s graduation plan. This will allow a cadet to take advanced courses to graduate early or make up failures.
- While enrolled, a cadet must take the NMMI core course requirements for graduation. A cadet may repeat an NMMI course to improve their grade with the exception of NMMI capstone courses (currently English 4A/4B
and Government for entering freshmen fall 2010). This may not take place during the academic year with the exception of the last semester of the senior year.
- Cadet must take the course at NMMI if offered except for when a course cannot be scheduled due to a conflict. On-line courses must have a mandatory valid login/contact.
- Correspondence/on-line courses may not be taken during the academic semester that a cadet is enrolled in or has withdrawn from a parallel NMMI course.
- Private tutoring or home schooling must be from a recognized accredited source.
- The number of transfer courses from distance learning/summer school cannot exceed two (2) credits/4 courses earned while enrolled at NMMI.
- A maximum of one 1.0 credit earned after leaving the Institute in good standing may be submitted to fulfill graduation requirements. The appropriate academic division head and the Academic Dean must approve post-NMMI courses to meet graduation requirements.
Normal Class Load
The academic load for a high school cadet is five academic solids plus leadership education (JROTC) and physical education (P.E.) every semester (3.25 credits). JROTC and .25 credit courses are not considered solids. The minimum academic load is four academic solids plus JROTC and P.E. (2.75 credits) with written premission from parents as they are not eligible for Superintendent’s or Deans’ List.
The length of time it will take an entering cadet to satisfy the requirements of the high school diploma will depend on the number of acceptable units submitted on entrance. An entering Fifth Classman (sophomore) will have three years to accumulate the required units, whereas an entering Third Classman (senior) may find that completion will take longer than a year’s time. This fact must be recognized by all those admitted who expect to earn a high school diploma. However, a cadet in the Third Class may, with the Dean’s approval, take a maximum of eleven semester hours credit at the college level.
Cadets with a 3.0 GPA or above from the previous grading period may take more than five solids upon the recommendation of their academic advisor. The Vice Dean/High School Principal must authorize more than five solids for high school cadets. Overloads are not recommended for a cadet with a GPA of less then 3.0 from the previous semester grading period. Upon the cadet’s request and with the recommendation of the academic advisor, an overload may be authorized if the cadet’s schedule (academic, athletic, extra-curricular) suggests that there is reasonable probability the cadet can successfully handle the overload.
Scholastic Tests
All high school cadets are required to take the American College Testing examination (ACT) as a graduation requirement. Requests to substitute the ACT exam must be approved by the Vice Dean/High School Principal. A cadet who is not a citizen of the United States and whose primary language is not English, may elect to substitute the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) for the ACT. A student whose intention is to transfer to college or university whose admission requirement is the SAT, may request to substitute the ACT exam with the SAT. Most tests are administered by the Student Assistance Center on national test dates. The ACT should be taken in the second semester of the junior year and/or the first semester of the senior year. Colleges require not only a transcript of one’s academic record, but also ACT or SAT scores. The Student Assistance Center also administers other academic and placement tests such as the PLAN Test required in the sophomore year; the PSAT (Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test) required in the fall of the junior year; the SAT, and reading and math placement tests for new cadets.
Based on the counsel of the academic advisor and on demonstrated academic ability (3.0 GPA), a high school junior or senior may be permitted to take college courses concurrently with high school courses with permission of the Associate Dean for the division and the Vice Dean/High School Principal.
A cadet dual-enrolled, will be enrolled in a college course and a high school equivalent of the college course. The student will generate an official college transcript and GPA separate from the high school transcript. The college transcript will bear college semester hours and a grade. The high school transcript will indicate .50 credit for a 3.00 or more semester hour course and .25 credit for a 1.00 course. The semester and cumulative Grade Point Average for both high school and college will be affected by the grade earned.
A cadet may satisfy the requirement for the high school diploma while enrolled in college subjects through dual-enrollment.